What I’m Doing Now
Updated January 10th, 2024, from Chicago.
2025 is here
- Just finished working on VenezolanosPodcast.com. Read the story of how and why I made it. So thrilled to have it out there, it was a blast working on it, and now, onto the next project, which is......
- The Jailbroken Guide to the University! I wanted to publish it before 2025 ended but design took so much time and it just derailed me. But fear not, it's coming soon. I'm so excited about it. It's going to be a game-changer. I'm posting updates on LinkedIn. Want to know when it's out? Join the newsletter.
- Thinking about goals for 2025. One of them will be publishing the above book. Another one is to make a full-featured film. The other one is to create some a profitable business to sustain myself while aligning what I love doing.
- The goal, right now and always, is simple: I have an innate ability to create and inspire new paths that weren't there before in myself and other people. Every project, essay, and video follows that vision. How can I continue doing that while creating an interesting business? That's the top question in my mind right now.
Some things never change
- Every year I get the "Venezuelan bug" or how we'd say it in Venezuela, "me da una fiebre por Venezuela." Every year is the same, and truthfully, something beautiful always comes out of it like Carajo.org, SIMÓN, and now VenezolanosPodcast.com. I don't understand it, I just follow whatever impulses I get, and I'm glad I do. It's always worth it.
- Also, freedom for Venezuela!!! What a tragedy but what a novel!!!!! Has spent so much time watching the news, following the news on X, and trying to figure out what the hell is going to happen.
- During this Venezuelan Bug, I have been obsessed with someone you must learn about: Rafael Alfonzo Ravard. Check out this page I built for him: Rafael Alfonzo Ravard. bosque mas
- He's such an inspiration. Studied engineering at MIT. First president of PDVSA (Venezuelan State Oil Company) and grew it to be one of the largest oil companies in the world in like 5 years. Created the biggest man-man forest in the world, he was a general, founder of like 5 or 6 mixed companies (where government owned a minority but majority by private people) developing so many industries in Venezuela. Also built at the time largest hydroelectric project in the world, the biggest dams (Macagua & Guri), and also led created a whole new city called Guayana. And so much more!!! Truly exceptional!!!
- Venezuela is all over my mind right now as you can tell...
What else...
- Excited for 2025!!!!
- In Chicago or nearby? Let me know!
- Bye!!!!
Ciao, ciao, ciao!
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