How to Take Tests

Taking tests is a skill. Here are some thoughts on how to take tests:

  • Hard Start - Jump Easy

    • Glance through the test
  • Start working on the hardest

    • Load focused mode

      • If you can't solve this one for the first 1-2 min

      • Move on and then come back

  • "This test has got me excited to do my best"

    • Change interpretation
  • Deep Breathing

    • Weeks before, practice
  • Try relaxing your tongue

  • Face your fears

    • Not getting the grades you need for your chosen career

    • How can you handle this?

      • Have a "Plan B"

      • Once you have a plan, the fears and anxiety will dissuade

  • Study hard until the day of the test

    • Then just relax and see how many questions you can get right
  • You can always pursue your other career choice

  • 5% rule

  • Outline how long each question will take


Final Thoughts

The day before a test:

  • Have a quick final look over the materials to brush up on them

  • You'll need both your focused and diffused mode the next day

  • So don't over push yourself

  • Don't feel guilty if you don't work too hard the day before

  • Just do your best

  • In science classes

    • Having your units of measurement match on each side of the equation can provide an important clue about whether what you've done is correct

  • The order in which you work tests is also important

    • Students generally work tests from front to back

  • When you're checking your work

    • If you start from the back to the front, it may give your brain a fresher perspective to catch the error

  • Test-taking is a game

Inspired by Learning How To Learn, Coursera Course.


See also The Test Templates



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